Updated October 2010

Asher is 3 years old now. This fall he started a three-morning-a-week preschool program. He LOVES school, and asks me all the time to let him ride a bus - school bus or city bus. He also knows where every car wash is located in our town. He has a deep fondness for automatic car washes.

He still loves music and is especially fond of watching Daddy and his friend Steve and other friends (aka The Black Market Llamas) play live music. Mommy and Daddy have resolved to spend more time as a family around the piano (since we both are able to play), and Daddy has even announced that he plans to learn to play the guitar this year.

Asher's favorite books are David Shannon's "No, David" series. He also loves Dr. Seuss. 

Asher is still very proud to be a big brother. He is very helpful and interested in where Levi is at any given moment.

Papa and his grandbabies 

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